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CE marking and manuals

KAMI can take care of your CE marking

We have in-depth knowledge of the Machinery Directive, and we also work according to other standards when preparing a CE marking. For example, EN 13155.

Do you need full documentation – or just parts of it?

We are happy to prepare your documentation, regardless of whether you have designed and manufactured the machine yourself or if you want us to take care of these processes.

Our engineering services are available to you as a customer without the need to use our production facilities.

Use our engineering department without having to produce

Just as you can use our engineering department without manufacturing, the opposite is also true.

You can also use KAMI as a pure subcontractor and have production based on your own production basis – all our different services are for you as a customer – and the scope of our services is up to you!

We can perform CE marking on machines / subcomponents we produce in-house – or we can perform CE marking on existing equipment.

We have tasks where we do the documentation on the back end – if the customer has been visited by the Danish Working Environment Authority or other bodies that want to ensure the safety of the machine in question in the future.

Our engineers are ready to provide the documentation in the requested time – and if improvements or specific safety measures need to be implemented, our production is ready to do it!

We work fast in the event of an accident

KAMI is fully aware of the time pressure if an accident has occurred – so we are ready to help you with the documentation you need! Please contact us by phone for fast service.


See some of our images

Preparation of CE marking

When CE marking a product/machine, there is a lot of documentation that needs to be prepared. Below are some of the main points that should be included in the documentation:


  • Risk assessment
  • Instructions for use
  • Technical dossier
  • Declaration of conformity
  • Marking of the machine / product

The declaration of conformity itself is the last thing to be drawn up in connection with the CE marking.

The manufacturer of the machine is responsible for carrying out the risk assessment, preparing the technical documentation and completing and signing the final declaration of conformity.

Once the above is completed, the CE mark can be affixed to the product.

Remember the Declaration of Conformity – Let us help you

The declaration of conformity must contain some specific information, including

  • Name and address of the manufacturer
  • Reference to the product
  • Information about the directive against which the Declaration of Conformity has been drawn up
  • Date / year

Our engineers work with checklists to ensure that we cover all aspects when preparing the documentation.

If you would like a quote for CE marking, please contact us!

Contact us to find out what we can do for you

We also offer services like these

Design and calculation / FEM



Brainstorming / development work